The Body Retreat

The Body Retreat

Women Only Weight Loss & Wellbeing Retreats

Power Porridge

I love porridge… it is just so satisfying and comforting.  It’s a great breakfast choice as its slow release energy keeps you going all morning. Its got a neutral flavour which makes it perfect for experimentation and getting creative in the kitchen.

Not all porridge is created equal.  So, for the avoidance of doubt let me clear, the powdery stuff that is sold in packets under the guise of instant breakfast is not proper porridge.  You might as well eat a bowl of rice crispies.  For porridge to provide the slow release energy you need for the day the porridges oat needs to be whole…not ground into dust.

Now heres the thing..I love porridge but porridge doesn’t love me.  Despite being a low GI grain I still seem to have issues with metabolising the natural sugars..so I prefer this power porridge.

Power porridge includes 50% Oats and 50% Quinoa Flakes, with added seeds this makes the protein content of the breakfast significantly higher.  Which means even longer maintained energy and if like me you cannot digest grains too well…no bloating!!

Its a winner..Try it for yourself and let me know how you get on.


Serves 2
  • 50 gms Organic Jumbo Porridge Oats
  • 50 gms Organic Quinoa Flakes
  • 20 gms Mixed Seeds
  • I tbps Ground Flaxseed
  • 100mls Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • 1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 50 mls water ( you can use Coconut Water)



This recipe literally could not be any more simple to make .. you literally place all the ingredients in a pan and stir for about 10 minutes until all the liquid has been absorbed and the porridge has reached the texture that you like.  You may want to add a little extra water or milk if you like your porridge loose.

2 Replies to “Power Porridge”

  1. HI Jane, Sorry i didn’t see you there. But actually instant oats are very quickly converted into sugars in the blood stream, meaning that you may well find yourself feeling in need of a mid morning snack. I know the convenience of the instant oats is a big draw but it honestly only takes a few minutes more to have the whole oats…your energy levels and your waistline will thank you for it. The seeds and chopped apple is a great addition to porridge.

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