The Body Retreat

The Body Retreat

Women Only Weight Loss & Wellbeing Retreats

Watermelon and Halloumi summer salad

With the lovely hot weather we are having I have been craving summer salads. This salad provides all the ingredients of summer for me – using a base of couscous with refreshing mint and lime, juicy watermelon and cucumber combined with the salty taste of heated halloumi and the added crunch of pistachios makes a satisfying summer salad! 

Ingredients for Watermelon and Halloumi summer salad- serves 4 

  • 200g of couscous
  • Small handful of mint
  • Small handful of parsley
  • ½ cup of olive oil
  • Juice of one lime
  • 200g watermelon chopped into chunks
  • ½ chopped cucumber 
  • Small handful of shelled pistachios 
  • 200g halloumi chopped into strips

Method for Watermelon and Halloumi summer salad

1. Place the couscous in heat proof bowl and pour over 300ml of boiling water and allow to soak for 15 minutes 

2. Blend together the mint, parsley, olive oil and lime juice – so the herbs are shredded but not completely blended, then stir into couscous 

3. Divide the couscous into 4 bowls

4. Top the couscous with watermelon, cucumber and pistachios

5. In a fry pan sear the halloumi strips on both sides and top on salad 

6. Serve and enjoy!

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